We can build you an awesome site and use video content to supplement your site. Here is a sample. We will give you a professional look to whatever service that you provide. You will make additional affiliate income from the movies on your site.

In addition to making money from the service you provide, when people click on ‘Watch movies of live Music‘ you will earn affiliate dollars from this link.


Level Two – Producer

Here is a sample of a Producers site. We will give you a professional look to whatever service that you provide. You will make additional affiliate income from the movies on your site. In addition underwrite TV shows and earn 100% of the revenue.

In addition to making money from the service you provide, when people click on the productions that you have produced you will earn the full amount. You determine your price and we help you to distribute Internationally through Amazon and other platforms.

We have production crews globally that can help you produce your local, national or international project.

More Examples