VOD Stats

An Average Hollywood release can have 30,000 downloads weekly which earn $180,000 a week. If a half of 1% of that purchasing audience watched your video you would have a very lucrative Passive Income.

Cinema Markets is in the right place at the right time.  They are leading a revolution that nobody knows about ….yet! (Richard Sawyer – Finance World)

As a new producer with Cinema Markets you can share the box office with major Hollywood producers as well as share in earnings from many other intermediate level producers. Look at the difference between the work you require with YouTube and the Turn Key Solution with Cinema Markets.

YouTube is 120 times more effort to earn 3500% less.

Cinema Markets is 120 times less effort (you don’t have to do anything), and earn 3500% more than YouTube.



Cinema Markets built me a website with multiple revenue streams including my own service as a part time English teacher. It makes money for me even when I am sleeping. Thank you so much Cinema Markets. Adi  Jones – Teacher

I don’t really have a service to provide I just put together a store with the latest Hollywood movies and books. Works great. A thousand times better than a YouTube channel. Jonas Hambleton – Entrepreneur

These lovely people came and helped me to write my memoirs. I know nothing about computers and now I have a website that makes money and you can also buy the book I wrote. My grandchildren can’t believe I did this on my own. Lora Finch  – Entrepreneur


Forget spending money on web developers. Have your own website with a built in revenue stream. The easiest way to make money in 2018.  There is a small one time setup fee which should be covered once you become active. Register for free.